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Wednesday, 2 January 2013

The Geek Gadgets of 2012

The year 2012 saw some of the best gadget innovations and some tough competitions of all time. We saw one of the topmost Patent wars of all time; tie up between major IT giants, some of the best OS, and few exceptional gaming console releases. With the top companies competing against each other, we saw a huge rise in the innovations this year. Even though there are numerous contenders for the top spot, here is a list of some of the top geek gadgets of 2012 –

  • iPhone 5: 

    iPhone 5
     The most awaited and sixth generation Smart phone from Apple Inc. The iPhone 5 comes with the iOS 6, high-resolution screen and support the LTE. The users as well as the reviewers had all words of praise for the new Apple device. It was one of the biggest news maker gadgets of 2012.
  • Samsung Galaxy S3:

    Samsung Galaxy S3


    Samsung Galaxy S3 is one of the toughest competitors for the iPhone 5 and it has won numerous gadget awards for the best innovation of 2012. The device comes with a high-resolution display, enhanced features and a good battery backup. The Samsung Galaxy S3 reviews stated it is best User Friendly Smartphone device at a very reasonable price.
  • iPad 4:

    iPad 4


    The iPad 4 took everyone by a surprise, as it was launched within months of launching the iPad 3. The super sleek device with the Retina display provides the best of resolution. The iPad4 has brought the smart phone experience to the tablet series with better features.
  • Apple TV:

    Apple TV


    The apple TV came up with its 3rd generation digital media receiver this year. Even though there were not many changes in the when compared to the previous versions, the reviews claimed there were benefits of the Apple TV 3. It claimed as one of the best gadgets available under $100.
  • Nintendo Wii U :

    Nintendo Wii U


      Wii U comes as the first Nintendo game console to have the high-definition graphics. It is the successor to the Wii series with a wireless Game Pad controller. Even though a revolutionary design, there is demand for more Wii U specific games. The gadget has given competitions to its rivals Sony PS3 and Xbox 360.
  • Nokia Lumia 920: 

    Nokia Lumia 920


     Nokia and Microsoft came together to launch one of the best Windows Phone 8 this year, popularly known as Nokia Lumia 920. One of the best reviewed gadgets of 2012 with an exceptional wireless battery charger, Nokia maps, people hub and much more enhanced features. With the Nokia Lumia 920, the market rates of Nokia have soared once again.
  • iPad mini:

    iPad mini


      The first mini tablet of its kind and brought out by Apple, the iPad mini hit the markets this year. The reduced screen size and compatible size of the tablet had made it into an instant hit. The device had proven as a tough competitor for Amazon Kindle Fire HD, Google Nexus 7, and Barnes Noble Nook HD. The enhanced battery backup sleek design and popularity has definitely made this mini tablet a popular gadget of 2012.

This Post is Sponsored by Julian Robert,he  is a copywriter for mobile application development company, Zco Corporation. Zco offers iPhone app and Windows 7&8 app development, etc.

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